How to Get Rid of the Urine Smell in Your Clean Bathroom

Do you have a stinky bathroom? Have you been wondering how you are going to get rid of the awful urine smell in your clean bathroom?

What more can you do when your clean bathroom still smells like urine? Despite all the scrubbing you’ve done, the bathroom still smells!

How many times have you gone into your kid’s bathroom and wondered where that awful urine smell is coming from? I sure have…lots and lots of times.

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Where is the urine smell coming from in your bathroom?

You’ve cleaned the toilet, mopped the floors, wiped down the walls, and washed the rugs, BUT the bathroom still reeks of pee!

The tough part is, that it can be hard to tell where exactly the pee smell is coming from. You may think it is the toilet that still smells, even after cleaning.

But, the fact is, it could be coming from anywhere around your toilet. Or just any surface that pee could land on.

How can urine be all over the bathroom? If you are reading this and asking that question, you definitely don’t live with any males!

Penises are how! Let’s face it, guys just can’t aim…and little boys are pretty hopeless when it comes to hitting the toilet bowl target.

Related: How to Clean When You’re Overwhelmed by the Mess

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So, what is this magical fairy dust that is the solution to your stinky problem?

Shaving cream!

Shaving cream used to get rid of the urine smell in a clean bathroom.

Using shaving cream to get rid of the urine smell?

Shaving cream for urine smell??? Yes, you read that right. That can of shaving cream in your bathroom vanity is going to completely take away the smell of urine in your bathroom.

The best part of this cleaning hack is that it’s going to do it within minutes. Seriously, it will get the urine smell out almost immediately!

A lot of people haven’t heard of this hack, but the truth is, nurses and caregivers have been using this trick for a looooong time.

Shaving cream is very soothing on the skin, so for nurses, it’s a safe way to clean stinky body parts. And since shaving cream works so well in getting rid of strong body odors, why wouldn’t it work on a bathroom surface?

So, what are you waiting for??? Let’s get started!

Disclaimer: Do not do this on real hardwood floors!

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Before you start…

First, to cover all of our bases, let’s make sure that your toilet is 100% clean.

Did you know that your toilet seat is most likely very easily removable? You can just pull the hinges right off of the toilet and get into all those little spaces where urine and bacteria like to hide.

If Toilet seat hinges are not cleaned properly the clean bathroom will still smell like urine.

Once you’ve taken the seat off, you can scrub and disinfect all those spots where urine has pooled thanks to boys with bad aim.

My favorite bathroom cleaner that I use on my toilet and my vanity is this 7th Generation Disinfecting Cleaner. I like that it disinfects without having that really strong chemical smell.

Once you’re sure those areas are clean, make sure that the entire outside of the toilet bowl, including all the little nooks and crannies, has been thoroughly cleaned.

Some of my favorite cleaning products to disinfect and get rid of the urine smell in the bathroom.
Some of my favorite bathroom cleaning products.

Pay special attention to those hard-to-reach areas. The harder the reach, the more likely it’s a spot that’s been overlooked in the past.

Once you’re satisfied that your toilet is truly clean, you can get started with getting the urine smell out.

How to get rid of the urine smell in the bathroom with shaving cream

Get your shaving cream out (any brand will do – I use generic) and spread it all over and around your toilet. For starters, put the shaving cream around the toilet base.

Then, put it on any part of the floor that you think could have urine on it. Pay special attention to the grout around the toilet since that is such a porous surface.

If you have little boys you could easily need to cover the entire bathroom lol. But, if you’re cleaning up after older kids or adults, you probably only need to spread it around the immediate areas around the toilet.

Toilet with shaving cream on floor to get rid of urine smell in a clean bathroom.

Next, let it sit for a couple of minutes. Literally, like 2 minutes.

Time to clean up!

Now it’s time to clean up the shaving cream mess and enjoy the clean scent of your bathroom.

Cleaning it off the floor probably seems like it’s going to be a lot of work. And it would be if you were just planning on cleaning it all up with a sponge and water.

The trick is to scoop it up! You can use a plastic cup for this or a dustpan with a squeegee also works really well. Just do a quick wipe-down after with a wet rag, and you’ll be done.

Tips for using shaving cream in your bathroom for urine smells

Here are some tips to remember before you start:

  • DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU HAVE WOOD FLOORS! There’s a possibility it could warp your floors or stain them.
  • This is used to take care of lingering smells, not in place of cleaning and disinfecting.
  • You don’t need to overdo it with the shaving cream. A thin-ish layer will work just as well as using the entire bottle.
  • Do not let this sit for a long time. The smell will be gone almost immediately, so there’s no need. If it sits and then dries onto your floor, it’s going to be a pain to clean up!
  • Have a super easy cleanup by scooping the shaving cream up with a plastic cup or onto a dustpan with a squeegee. (I prefer the dustpan method)

Related: How to Clean When You’re Overwhelmed by the Mess

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Happy Cleaning! And enjoy that fresh and clean smelling bathroom that no longer smells like urine!😊

How to get the urine smell out of your clean bathroom PIN.

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