Where can I sell my 1943 steel penny?

The 1943 Penny is a steel wartime cent (penny).  You can read a detailed description on Wikipedia.   The 1943-D penny had 217 thousand minted, while 1944 and 1945, back to the traditional copper design, each had well over a billion minted.

1943 Lincoln Steel Penny, available on Amazon

The value of a 1943 Steel cent is listed on the cointrackers website.

You can post it on eBay, or take it to your local coin shop.

Steel Pennies for sale on eBay

This site is for dealers registered with the American Numismatic Association:

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You can also bring your coin to a local coin show or coin club, they may be able to advise where to sell it or give you and educated idea of it’s value.

If your penny is not worth a lot, consider keeping it as a keepsake or making it into a piece of jewelry.  While it may not enrich you financially, it can be a pretty keepsake or necklace for someone you care about.

If the penny is dull, there are plenty of YouTube videos and guides on how to polish a penny.

And if you are ambitious, it may be worth more as a jewelry piece than as a penny!  Look at this one on Amazon!

Take a look at this:

These coin bezels are available on Amazon. You don’t need to be a jeweler to make your coin into a novelty jewelry item! (you will need a chain too – and they have rings as well! (Don’t forget to get a matching necklace too).

When you are creative, even a penny can become a fun project, and potentially profitable!

Oh, If you believe in Luck, you can buy this bezel:

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