- Coin Values Discovery
Coin values never stand still. Lately the change is remarkable. Grading images to evaluate your coins condition and charts to discover your coin values. - Coin Forum, Numismatic Education, and Collecting Information | Coin Community
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The easiest way to begin collecting coins is by saving your change. You can probably start your collection just by looking around the house, under the couch, or out in your vehicle. You should go ahead and get you a jar or container to put your coins in when you get change. If you are walking and you see a coin, pick it up and put it in your container. Whenever you purchase something at the store or wherever, save it and add it to your collection. Any change, whether pennies or quarters will do. I will tell you why later.
Of course, your container will have all types of change in it so do not discard them. You can start your collection with pennies. This is a cheap way to collect coins and it can be very beneficial. There are still wheat pennies found in circulation today. Some wheat pennies are worth thousands of dollars, depending on the date and mint mark on the coin. You can also go to your local bank and purchase a few penny rolls to go through. You want to try to get the coins in the secured bank wrapper because they have a higher chance of having older coins in them. Since many people save coins anyway, if you get a regular penny roll, you have a smaller chance of finding good coins. Also, you need to save every penny and check them because some memorial cents are worth a lot of money also. Many people are collecting the new pennies and they have become a very popular penny.
You don’t have to only collect pennies. That is your choice. Every type of coin has valuable coins in the series. That goes for nickels, dimes, quarters, and half dollars. Once again, try to get them in rolls and try to get the secured ones so you have a better chance of finding a valuable coin. I have had a lot of luck on half dollar rolls. A few days ago I got a $10 roll and I found 3 Kennedy half dollars that were silver. The ones before 1970 are made out of silver. You can still find silver coins in these rolls so they are worth checking out.
This is the most important tip I can give you. You need to know every coin type that you are planning to collect. Not only will it help you know what coins to look for, it will also help you from getting ripped off from aggressive coin collectors or any other type of service that may sell coins. Some coins may be 200 years old, but that don’t make them any more valuable then they naturally are. As I said before, it also helps you know what to look for. Once you do, you will be able to sort through your coins much faster then usual. Make sure you know what to look for. You can always use the internet to find prices. From what I have seen online, most coin values are near the same price.
If you are able to purchase large quantities of coins, do so. In most cases, you will get a deal when you buy a lot of coins compared to a single coin. You want to make sure you know what you are buying first though. If a deal is to good to be true, then it probably is. If you are buying silver bulk coins or gold bulk coins, make sure you properly test them. Anytime that you buy bulk, make sure you know who you are buying from.
In most cases, silver and gold coins are worth more then those coins that do not have a precious content. There are coins worth more then silver and gold coins, but only a few types. As you may already know, gold and silver coin values can be based on the amount of gold and silver that are in the coin. When it comes to gold and silver junk coins, their value is based on the content. Their values often travel with their market price. Silver has dropped recently from its high peak of nearly $45 dollars an ounce. Gold averages around $1,600 an ounce. Dimes, quarters, and half dollars before 1965 were made out of silver. Those dated 1965 and older are made out of clad, with the exception of the half dollar that had silver in it until 1970.
Ebay is a great place to buy coins from. If you do not have an account on Ebay, all you have to do is set yourself an account up and you will also need to set a Paypal account up as well. Once you do, you will be able to purchase coins on the site. You can overlook the seller’s statistics and feedback to make sure they are a legit seller. You can also earn money called “Ebay Bucks” by buying items and you can use it on future purchases. Most of the coins are sold at auction which gives you a chance to buy what you want for a great price. For those of you that are just starting, you can go to the website at coincommunity.com and then click on the link to the left that says “cheap US coin”. It will take you to the auction page of all coins listed for under $5. For those of you that don’t collect U.S. coins, foreign coins can also be purchased on this site. You will have to make sure the seller ships internationally though. You can really get some good deals at auction and you can also visit the seller’s store if they have one. Some sellers have a “buy it now” tag where you can go ahead and purchase the coin if you choose too.
This is another important tip once you get into the coin collecting. If you do find a coin that is very valuable and you choose to verify it with a coin collector or coin shop, make sure you trust them. A coin collector could tell you that the coin is not what you thought. They could also try to get you to sell it for a much cheaper price. No matter if you are trying to sell it or just get an honest opinion, make sure it is from someone you trust. You can also purchase coin value books at most coin shops or you can do it online. It goes back to making sure you know what you have.