A Forgotten Manual Lawn Tool That Is Making An Unexpected Comeback

When you think about all of the upgraded tools that we have available for getting the lawn and gardening done, it’s mind-boggling. Many of them are updated regularly and we are always trying to build a better mousetrap, but it is not always necessary to do so.

One tool that was used by most homeowners many years ago has been lost to history. It is the manual edger, which is sometimes known as the half-moon edger.

This little tool may have been simplistic, but it was very effective in doing what it was designed to do. It’s typically a T-shaped tool with a semicircular blade attached to a wooden handle.

The blade is made of a sturdy metal, which is what gives an edge that can be very beneficial. When you use it, it basically becomes an extension of your body, and it cuts through the edge of the grass to make it into a crisp line.

Of course, we do have tools that are able to accomplish this as well but not all of them are designed in such a way to make it possible to give it a little creativity. This simple tool can be carried around the lawn easily and used where necessary to cut the edge and make it manicured.

In addition, we live at a time when many people are looking for something simple because everything that we deal with is so complex. This simple little tool certainly fits into that category.

In recent years, manual edgers have been making somewhat of a comeback. Not only are they a very useful and effective way of trimming the edge of the lawn, but they also are environmentally friendly, silent, and only require a little elbow grease to get the job done.

When you buy one of these manual edgers for yourself, you will have a tool that can be used for years to come. It’s great to have one around, and it can help you to remember the past with a smile on your face.

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